Sunday, March 22, 2009


During one of my library escapades I fell open a book simply titled; Sex- A Natural History. I picked it up out of curiosity and other factors and am now completely enthralled with the content. I have been interested in sex as a social study ever since I saw the movie Kinsey. The book (so far) approaches sex more as a biological act. Why sex in the first place? Is this an evolutionary factor that is just around to improve the chances of our race? From looking at other animals and our own actions there are some rather odd conclusions. Most of the reasons we are attracted to each other as a mate has to do with furthering our own genes and looking after the genes of our own children. We think we are new and exciting in the way that we go around sex and pursue it but when it comes down to it we carry a lot of the same characteristics that other animals do. I am curious to see what else this book can tell me.
I am playing sax tonight at the performance theatre in the library and I must admit I am a little nervous. Haven't really played in front of people since high-school and that was a good 8 years ago. Oh well, I guess I have to begin at some point. -Nat

1 comment:

  1. I think people are still just attracted to scent (which according to a recent scientific study i read in the leader post (oddly) actually relates to the other person having a healthy immune system which is different from your own (thats all reproduction) I think the difference between human and animal sex is that human sex is self-reflexive (definetly outside of the moment and I would argue often inside the "moment" I slept (barely) outside of the milkyway in a car though so maybe my thoughts are convoluted and unclear.

