Thursday, December 23, 2010


All I want for Christmas is my two side teeth, after getting them pulled out a couple of years ago I have had a hard time with tortilla chips dipped in Baba Ghanouj. I have purchased and wrapped all my gifts, including one for myself. I recieved a pool table from my boss yesterday, something I have wanted ever since I was a smelly teenage boy shooting pool in the church basement. I became a movie star as a galavanted through the snowy wilderness of Manning on my cross-country skis. I was the special task force parachuted into the alps of switzerland to make my way to the guns of navarone and disable them. I was tom selleck as i sipped on my cinnamon laden hot chocolate.
Lately I have started Lolita- one of the greatest books of the last century. It is moving me like only a "certain type" of literature can. My grand scheme is to read 50 books next year, while this is a daunting task for the slow reader that I am, it will reward me with treasures. Of course some rules must be applied because of the variety of book length etc., but this goes without saying. I plan on creating a family legend for Christmas- Spice Bread. It goes hand in hand with Christmas morning as we anticipate what is behind the bedsheet mom has placed in the doorway so we can't see the work she has done the night before.I will be leaping across this great country next year as I sit in a train car and watch the surroundings pass by. This is a highly anticipated trip as I will be seeing some past friends and re-planting the roots of friendship.
-Nathanael Alan Baker